Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Staying healthy through food
High blood pressure and cholesterol are major risk factors for heart disease.
RYH recipes can help you to manage these by including foods that contain heart healthy ingredients.
Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes components similar to the Mediterranean diet can reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
These recipes are based on the Mediterranean diet, so include lots of healthy fats, protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts and wholegrains (like quinoa, buckwheat and millet).
Plant sterols are also included. These are found in soya products like tofu and edamame beans. They contribute to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.
RYH offers you:
- 4 weeks of easy, affordable and varied meals, tailored to a range of dietary requirements, with vegetarian and vegan options, as well the option to avoid a range of allergens
- A lifestyle change – much more sustainable than fad diets – as well as detailed explanations so you understand the changes you’re making, increasing the likelihood of long-term success
- Long-term support: a welcoming and supportive RYH community to help you continue your journey, as well as plenty of advice for keeping your gut healthy after the 4 weeks
- The ability to sleep better, feel more energised, boost your immune system and overall wellbeing